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Digital Marketing that
supports your success



Creative Thinking. Creative Solutions.

Our Mission

We at Elitus Design believe that our success comes from supporting the growth of our customers. Our philosophy is to emphasize customer satisfaction and to creatively and at a reasonable cost to create effective solutions to achieve our goals.





Elitus Design is a comprehensive visual communication firm that supports expanding your brand.

We want to convey information that is easy to understand and has a good-looking design to your customers.

Elitus Design helps design effective promotion tools and websites to support your success.


marketing mind

At Elitus, we will consider your philosophy, vision, and strategy, consider designs that are linked to branding, and provide designs that lead to consideration of sustainability while promoting the "next promotion ."


We plan simple and high-impact designs and do our best to make our customers cost-effective.


creative solution

We will pursue creative answers while conducting careful hearings, knowing the current situation of our customers, and thinking together about the direction we want to pursue.

Effective communication not only to improve the current situation but also to customers and their customers while imagining branding for years to come will make a plan so that you can take it.

friendly service

Our goal is to create value together from the customer's perspective.

It is our greatest pleasure to continue to provide reasonable prices and value that is more advantageous than the prices.

We will try to make it easier by teaching you difficult things from the complete support system for the Wix website.

We will continue to work together to maintain a long-lasting relationship.

 Our Services

We do just about everything


Wix Web Design


Elites Design is a WIX web design specialty store. Unprecedentedly deliver responsive e-commerce, video marketing, and email marketing strategies with tools that you can easily update yourself



Graphic Design


We design print promotional materials such as logo branding, flyers, and pamphlets.

While familiarizing yourself with your brand strategy, we will effectively inform the viewer of the optimal visual communication.



Marketing & Consulting


We will help you plan your management philosophy and policies from starting a business. We have experience in expanding overseas business in English-speaking countries, mainly in the United States, and we will carefully support you from market research to marketing. We will also find services and products aimed at expanding into Japan from overseas.



UX Design


UX design is not only to make the homepage beautiful, but also to make it easy for users to see and use. Not only will you see the homepage, but we will continue to research so that we can operate a site that produces results.




If you want to make a homepage, it is better to have a homepage that is easy to find. From SEO settings on the site to SEM strategies such as SNS and blogs, we will help you find it easily with search engines.





Please contact Elites if you would like to translate and translate from English to Japanese, or from Japanese to English. I work in a wide range of fields such as books, manuals, contracts, and business plans.





While focusing on WIX.COM, we are developing a cloud tool education business to improve work skills. Get mastered with tools for web production, app development, and easy work!



Concept Planning


Do you have ideas for new products, services, or businesses? Elites will do concept planning to ensure business development. Let's work together from product design to creating a system.


Translation Service


Please contact Elites if you would like to translate and translate from English to Japanese, or from Japanese to English. I work in a wide range of fields such as books, manuals, contracts, and business plans.




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